
Bubble Hit – A Delightful Game

More often, when we try to concentrate hard on focusing on something, the mind starts playing tricks with us making it harder to focus. Meditation is one such activity. The more we try to keep ourselves calm, the more the mind wanders. There are plenty of resources available that help us concentrate and eventually we spend more energy than required for reaching the meditative state.

How do we over come this?

Bubble Hit Hall is the answer. You may wonder what it is. It is a casual game that would bring help us eliminate the distractions and help reach a meditative state. When we sought out to place this on our site, our team had their doubts, however, we set out to test it for sometime. We had gamers from different age groups set out to play and then conducted a survey. We were surprised by the results. More than 87% (87.3% to be exact) said that they continued to play the game for more than 30 minutes, without distraction. This helped them stay focused without putting in much effort. One of the gamers put it very beautifully stating ‘each time I hit a bubble and it bursts, the distractions in me are getting burst’.

How do we play this game?
Clear the bubbles from the board by connecting at least three of the same color. The game ends when the bubbles are cleared or any of the bubble reaches bottom of the screen.

That’s exactly what happens to our mind too, the more we keep clearing our thoughts, the more keep coming. We give up at a point when we see there is lot of clutter. On today’s date, with so much of information at our hand, our mind is naturally cluttered. It’s time to detox our minds and look for peace. Let’s not wait any further, give it a try by clicking the below link:

Bubble Hit Halloween

Serious or Casual! Get Gaming! @

Happy Gaming! For a peaceful mind and a peaceful you.